Geomorphology Re-blog: Our EGU session died, what went wrong?

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The EGU General Assembly 2015 is approaching, and with that a whole bunch of interesting new talks, posters and sessions! Or not!? What do you do when your proposed session has died because it simply did not attract enough submissions? Sabine Kraushaar did some session soul-searching and shared her advice on the Geomorphology Division Blog. Here’s what happened…


“Have you ever had this experience? You develop a session which you think could be such a great platform or a subject that definitely interests a lot of people and then only a few people register…this happened to Jan, me, and several others this year and our proposed sessions (GM1.2 Emerging research fields in geomorphology and GM 1.4 Data wealth versus data poverty – new strategies for geomorphic research in a disparate world) died before they really came to life.

Andreas Lang (EGU Geomorphology President) offered advice when he told us the news and we wanted to share his ideas and comments with you and sincerely hope that they will help everyone to kick off his or her session ideas in the future! THANK you Andreas for the interview!!!”

'Borrowed' from the Geomorphology Blog
‘Borrowed’ from the Geomorphology Blog


Curious? Read the whole post here! 🙂

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